Botswana luxury safaris

Witness African wildlife in the most pristine wilderness setting on the planet.

Embark on Ultimate Luxury

“Nature is our nurture. Without it, we experience an immeasurable loneliness of spirit.”

– Deborah Calmeyer, Founder and CEO, ROAR AFRICA

A Botswana luxury safari with ROAR AFRICA delivers you deep into the Okavango Delta – our planet’s largest inland delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hugged by the thirsty Kalahari Desert. This extraordinary landscape, so far removed from the bustle of daily life, is a true paradise. It’s also home to some the most exclusive, spectacularly designed safari lodges on the continent, like Mombo and Xigera.

You’ll find many of the world’s most endangered species, including lions, giraffes, wild dogs, and hundreds of species of birds roaming, roaring, and flying throughout Botswana’s 10,563 miles of lush floodplain. With us, you can experience the delta’s wild magic from every angle in unbridled comfort and luxury - by land in open-air safari vehicles, by water in mokoros, and from the air in helicopters. This is Africa on steroids.

Further south we’ll unlock the sheer wonder of the Kalahari, a semi-desert covering some 350,000 square miles. Here, led by our expert ROAR AFRICA guides, you’ll track huge herds of elephants by day and sleep under a canopy of stars and ancient baobabs by night. Botswana is home to the incredible Makgadikgadi Pans, one of the largest salt flats in the world and a critical habitat for migrating wildebeest, Africa’s biggest zebra population, and flamboyant pink flamingos.

Totally unspoiled and untamed, this unique country’s vast tracts of wilderness, teeming with wildlife set the scene for an inimitable safari experience. There’s simply nowhere else on earth like Botswana. And no one has the insider access to this extraordinary landscape like we do.

What can you expect?

Botswana is renowned for its privacy, beauty, safety, and unique ability to experience an ultra-luxe African safari on land and water. Within the country’s pristine private reserves, you’ll rarely encounter another vehicle. The stillness, seclusion and close encounters with wildlife you find here, are unrivalled. ROAR AFRICA combines seamless luxury and extraordinary adventure with a thoughtfulness that unlocks this continent’s rich potential. Our expertise comes from our long history on the continent: we’re an all-African team with extensive insider knowledge and an armada of on-the-ground contacts.

As our guest, your Botswana luxury African safari will be supported by our handpicked guides from start to finish, alongside our full-time team of employees on call 24/7 on the ground in Africa. We’re highly experienced in managing refined details to pre-empt and remove the grind of travel. ROAR AFRICA is for those who simply do not have the time to get it wrong.

Taking you only to the African safari destinations we know and love

Our philosophy is simple: we only promote those African safari destinations that we know and love, and where you can be assured of a seamless luxury experience, in the wildest of terrains.

For us, sharing the continent of our birth, the cradle of all humanity, is deeply personal. We are sharing our home – the people and places we hold dear - not selling a destination. 

Join us on what we promise will be the adventure of a lifetime. We cannot wait to share the wonder, warmth, and wild beauty Botswana has in store for you.

Your unforgettable journey to Botswana starts here

Start planning your world-class safari today. Fill out the form below, or feel free to call us right now at +1 855 666 7627 or email

Estimated cost +/- $2500 per person, per night.

Preferred method of contact
Pat Mitchell

You come home a different person

“Every visit to Africa is an experience that not only is memorable but changes your life – the way you see, the way you think, the way you feel. Travel to Africa with Deborah Calmeyer, and you truly experience everything, because every other detail and logistic is taken care of. Allowing you to embrace the moment and ensuring you return home a different person.”

Pat Mitchell
- Connected Women Leaders

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