David Whyte Portrait

Into the wild

with David Whyte

FEBRUARY 22 – 28, 2023

Sometimes it takes
A great sky
To find that
First, bright
And indescribable
Wedge of freedom
In your own heart.

Remember that you are wild! We can learn a lot about ourselves from the wild – not least that our bodies need nature.

In the sixteen years since I first started ROAR AFRICA, I’ve had the immense privilege of observing the transformation that occurs in all who travel with us to Africa’s most remote and truly wild places. This alchemy I speak of, is critical to every journey that we create.

In a recent conversation with David Whyte, our joint wonder and acknowledgement of how nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and spiritual satisfaction, sewed the seed for the new journey I will be cohosting – ‘Into the wild with David Whyte’ – a world renowned poet, philosopher, author and international speaker.

Curated as a life-changing journey at Segera Retreat in Kenya – one of the most immersive and inspiring places on earth – we hope to help you see nature as a portal to not just your aesthetic and intellectual well-being but to your cognitive and spiritual satisfaction too. 

‘What makes the natural world so healing to human beings is that it’s just itself,’ explains David. ‘The cloud is the cloud; the mountain is the mountain; the tree is the tree and the hawk is the hawk. The kingfisher doesn’t wake up one day and decide to be a crow.’ ‘And yet us humans are really quite extraordinary in that we can refuse to be ourselves,’ says David. I couldn’t agree more and in fact what’s become obvious is that the western world’s obsession with the wellness industry that focusses on self-improvement, self-optimization and self-indulgence sidesteps that most sacred and ancient connection – the connection between all living things.

Led by David Whyte & myself, we will embark upon a six-day journey that incorporates the elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - woven together by David's poetry.  Come with us and rediscover the ancient wisdom that is your most precious birthright.

This trip is SOLD OUT

Segera Retreat Wildlife&Safari Lion and MountKenya LaikipiaCounty Kenya Willi Burradjpg-min

“What makes the
natural world so healing
to human beings is that
it’s just itself”


Journey through the Elements

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“We see nature as a portal to not just our aesthetic and intellectual wellbeing – but to our cognitive and spiritual satisfaction too. To bring this vision into focus, we bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to this very special journey.”